The Day I Financed a Dog 🐶
Hello Friends!
Let me take you back to a moment of impulsive bliss—or maybe just sheer silliness. I was 29, not exactly a kid, just young enough to make a questionable decision over a pair of puppy-dog eyes.
It all started with a simple trip to the mall with my brand-new husband. The mission: buy a coffee mug. Completely normal, right? Except we ended up coming home with a dog instead.
As we strolled past the pet store, my world stopped. Inside, a litter of the cutest little brown lab puppies! My heart softened like butter on a summer day. Now, I’d never had a dog growing up, and honestly, they terrified me. But these little fluff balls, tripping over each other? Far from scary, and oh-so-irresistible.
I picked one up and it was love at first wag. This feisty pup seemed destined to be ours. The salesman chimed in: purebred, high demand—it was all Greek to me. But his words worked like magic.
I don’t know if it was the allure of new beginnings with my husband or bouncing back from a year of physical therapy, but I couldn’t leave without her. When the price tag hit $1200, I gave Marc the universal look of “Please, please, can we?” And let’s not forget the mention of 0% financing, which sounded oh-so-enticing at the time.
Before you know it, we were the proud, albeit naive, owners of this adorable pup. But, as it turns out, she was also the gateway to our not-so-great financing habits. She marked the start of my lesson in impulsive buying, coming from a puppy mill with allergies galore and high costs from day one to the last.
Years of wisdom and financial education later, I can confidently say—those rushed decisions rarely lead to happy endings. If you ever feel the pressure to buy, pause and reconsider.
Trust me, I’ve made my share of financial blunders, but I’ve also forged a path through them. My husband and I worked tirelessly to climb out of consumer debt, and those experiences have fueled thousands of hours of coaching, helping others turn financial dreams into realities.
Did you catch yourself thinking, “At least I’ve never done that,” or maybe, “Yep, me too,” during your own reflections? If so, I’d love to connect! There are only a few slots left in my 1:1 coaching and mentoring sessions. Or, if you prefer a team dynamic, join our vibrant monthly group coaching community.
Here’s your chance to invest in yourself and shape a brighter future!
Cheering for you,
Jenny Cioto
PS. "Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step." – Naeem Callaway
See you next week!